social justice

UConn Department of Sociology, Anti-Racism Committee

The aims of this Committee are to build and expand on initiatives with the following goals: to serve as an internal evaluator of critical diversity and inclusion within the department; to identify, distribute and promote anti-racist and social justice scholarship and best practices; to collaborate within Sociology and across other CLAS departments in building partnerships to promote inclusive workplace climates; and to identify and recommend policies and practices to the department that will advance an inclusive and equitable work environment and support all faculty in their personal academic growth and the collective growth of the department, of CLAS and of the student body as a whole.

Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut

The mission of DS ACT is to encourage intentionally inclusive communities while providing resources and support to individuals who live with Down syndrome and their advocates. They believe every person has inherent worth and dignity regardless of ability or disability. All individuals have the right to direct their future; have control over how they live their lives, where, and with whom; and have authority over the resources that support them.


Connecticut Center for Addiction Recovery

Along with organizing the recovery community (people in recovery, family members, friends and allies) to 1) put a face on recovery and 2) provide recovery support services, CCAR also promotes recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction through advocacy, education and service. CCAR strives to end discrimination surrounding addiction and recovery, open new doors and remove barriers to recovery, maintain and sustain recovery regardless of the pathway, all the while ensuring that all people in recovery, and people seeking recovery, are treated with dignity and respect.

Creative Living Community Connecticut

CLCC seeks to create a shared, inclusive living experience for individuals with and without developmental disabilities in a farm community, by focusing upon the gifts of all in mutually rewarding relationships. The farm community is the key element of the vision. People with and without a disability interact by living together, working together and socializing together.

Lawyers Without Boarders

Lawyers Without Borders works to build capacity and integrity in the world’s justice sectors. They engage with lawyers and judges dedicated to pro bono service and integrate them into initiatives that directly or indirectly serve the underserved, protect the disadvantaged, and promote human rights.

Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities

The mission of the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities is to eliminate discrimination through civil and human rights law enforcement and to establish equal opportunity and justice for all persons within the state through advocacy and education. 

100 Million USA

The 100 Million campaign is a youth-led call to action for a world where all young people are free, safe and educated. They support young people in mobilizing to end violence against children, eradicate child labor, and ensure education, breaking the cycles of illiteracy, poverty and violence for good.

Desegregate CT

Desegregate CT is a Pro-Homes coalition of neighbors and nonprofits advocating for better local & state land use policies to make every community in Connecticut more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable.

Hands on Hartford

Hands On Hartford is a social service nonprofit organization that serves Hartford’s most economically challenged residents in the areas of food, housing, and health. They are also an affiliate of the Points of Light Global Network, which includes volunteer-mobilizing organizations located in nearly 40 countries around the world.

The Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern CT

The Sexual Assault Crisis Center is a private, non-profit agency offering free and confidential, comprehensive services to victims of sexual assault and abuse. SACCEC is a member  of the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence, the statewide coalition of sexual assault crisis agencies.