“We believe that that memory must open a channel to human rights. Why human rights? Because we realize that when a people is threatened, it doesn’t remain threatened alone. When a group is singled out, it affects all other groups.” – Elie Wiesel
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Examining the most pressing human rights questions and preparing the next generation of human rights leaders.

HRI circles blue and rust

Highlighted Events

2025 Gladstein Visiting Professor of Human Rights Diego García-Sayán

Gladstein Visiting Professor of Human Rights Lecture

Transnational Corruption & Human Rights

April 9, 2025 • Storrs, CT

Join us for a public lecture by the 2025 Gladstein Visiting Professor of Human Rights, Diego García-Sayán. A former President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Dr. García-Sayán will explore the vital link between human rights and the fight against transnational corruption and organized crime. He will discuss how judicial independence is essential for international cooperation, information exchange, and effective legal action, as outlined in the UN Convention Against Corruption. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear from a leading expert in international human rights and justice.

Learn more about the Gladstein Visiting Professor

The Inaugural Genocide Awareness Lecture will be delivered by Dr. James Waller.

Inaugural Genocide Awareness Lecture

Our Walled World: Identity & Separation in Deeply Divided Societies

April 22, 2025 • Storrs, CT

Dr. James Waller, the Christopher J. Dodd Chair in Human Rights Practice and a renowned expert in genocide and atrocity prevention, delivers the inaugural Genocide Awareness Lecture at UConn, commemorating Genocide Awareness Month. Offering a comprehensive analysis of how deeply divided societies construct physical, symbolic, and hidden walls that foster isolation and fear, Dr. Waller examines these divisions through a global comparative lens. Emphasizing the critical need for greater integration, Waller will propose strategies that dismantle the barriers perpetuating the 'us' and 'them' fault lines of our fractured societies.

Learn more about the Genocide Awareness Lecture

UConn Today News

Human rights advocate shares insights with UConn audience

The Asylum and Human Rights Clinic helps immigrants along the path to a new life and provides law students with practical, hands-on experience.

InCHIP has funded 10 pilot projects that seek to improve public and human health consistent with UConn’s mission.

In the News

AI Odyssey at Hartford Public Library’s Albany Library

A partnership between the Hartford Public Library, University of Connecticut, and the Connecticut/Baden-Württemberg Human Rights Research Consortium culminated in a two-day event, AI Odyssey, aiming to bridge the digital divide in AI and support teens learning to harness innovative technologies.

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Checking In With The U.S. Treasurer

Human Rights graduate student Sage Phillips ’22 (CLAS), ’24 MA, speaks with U.S. Treasurer Lynn Malerba ’08 MPA, Chief of the Mohegan Tribe, on the significance of her role as both a tribal leader and senior U.S. official, as well as the values of representation and inspiration.

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Upcoming Events

  1.  Litigating Corporate Purpose: Climate Change & the Courts Litigating Corporate Purpose: Climate Change & the Courts 12:00pm 2/13
  2.  Dialogue in the Classroom for Instructors: Strategies for Building Engagement and Empathy (Virtual) Dialogue in the Classroom for Instructors: Strategies for Building Engagement and Empathy (Virtual) 10:00am 2/14
  3.  Encounters: 100% Democracy - The Case for Universal Voting Encounters: 100% Democracy - The Case for Universal Voting 10:00am 2/15
  4.  U.S. Democracy & Human Rights at a Crossroads U.S. Democracy & Human Rights at a Crossroads 12:30pm 2/18
  5.  Encounters: Freedom, Facts, and Filters - A Dialogue on Misinformation Encounters: Freedom, Facts, and Filters - A Dialogue on Misinformation 4:00pm 2/19
  6.  Water Belongings in Struggles for Environmental Justice: Caste & Gender in a South Asian Port City Water Belongings in Struggles for Environmental Justice: Caste & Gender in a South Asian Port City 12:00pm 2/25
  7.  Human Rights Master Practitioner Workshop: Atrocity Prevention & Peacebuilding in Practice Human Rights Master Practitioner Workshop: Atrocity Prevention & Peacebuilding in Practice 12:00pm 2/26
  8.  Reservoirs of the Imaginary Reservoirs of the Imaginary 2:00pm 2/26
  9.  The Responsibilities of Investors for a Fair & Just Climate Transition The Responsibilities of Investors for a Fair & Just Climate Transition 4:00pm 2/27
  10.  Encounters: Political Activism in 1860…and 2025 Encounters: Political Activism in 1860…and 2025 6:00pm 2/27
  11.  Art Encounters: Picture and Word Art Encounters: Picture and Word 12:30pm 2/28
  12.  Working People & Economic Rights: Understanding the Stakes for Labor Working People & Economic Rights: Understanding the Stakes for Labor 5:00pm 3/6