Funding for Graduate Students

The Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute proudly offers three programs to provide graduate students focused on human rights with funding.

Dr. Fiona Vernal speaking at a podium

Dissertation Writing Fellowship

In an effort to support UConn graduate students writing doctoral dissertations with a human rights focus, the Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute will select one $5,000 dissertation fellowship awardee for the 2024-25 academic year.

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Dissertation Research Fellowship

The Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute will fund one $5,000 dissertation research fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year to support primary research activities. Applicants must have successfully completed their qualifying exams and dissertation prospectus by time of application.

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Research Grant Competition

The Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute announces the Human Rights Research Grant Competition for graduate students at the University of Connecticut. The objective of the competition is to support and promote research projects on human rights related questions.

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