Megan Berthold

Associate Professor, School of Social Work

Graduate Certificate Coordinator, Social Work

Megan Berthold is an associate professor at the UConn School of Social Work (SSW) and a member of the Human Rights Institute’s Gladstein Committee. She also coordinates the SSW graduate certificate program in human rights.

Megan’s scholarship focuses on:

  • the long-term impact of torture, genocide, and other traumas on the health and mental health of Cambodian and other refugee and asylum-seeking populations
  • the right to rehabilitation for survivors of state-sponsored torture
  • effective Health and interdisciplinary interventions to address health disparities experienced by survivors of state-sponsored torture and genocide
  • a human rights-based approach to clinical social work practice

She has provided consultation to US-based NGOs and international bodies, including the United Nations Committee against Torture and the International Rehabilitation Council for Victims of Torture. Her books include Human Rights-Based Approaches to Clinical Social Work Practice and two co-edited volumes, Advancing Human Rights in Social Work Educationand Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives.