Summer Internship Fellow Program

Our Summer Internship Fellow Program grew out of a desire to help students find internship placements at premier human rights organizations and respected international initiatives. We have proudly developed dedicated placements for UConn human rights students and facilitate the recruitment and selection process. After a rigorous application process, students selected to participate in each of these opportunities are granted substantial financial support. We currently offer the following placements:

  • Amnesty International USA
  • Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism
  • Bellwether International
  • Business and Human Rights Resource Center
  • Croatian Mediation Association
  • The Child Labor Coalition
  • The Education Project
  • IRIS-Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services

2024 Summer Internship Fellows

Lexi Danesco (She/Her) is a senior studying Human Rights and Sociology with a minor in Women Gender and Sexuality Studies. She is passionate about juvenile justice and youth development. In the future she plan to attend graduate school to further her career in community and childhood social services.

Caroline Keary is a senior majoring in Environmental Studies and Human Rights. She is also in the new Accelerated Master's in Social Responsibility and Impact in Business. During her time at UConn she was a member of the Swap Shop and co-founder of the UConn Thrift Den. She is passionate about ensuring that human rights and the environment are a top priority for businesses.

Elena is a junior studying Spanish and Latin American Studies with a minor in Human Rights. She is invested in pursuing a career in social justice and service and hopes to work in immigration law. Throughout her time at UConn, she has been working towards this goal by engaging in community service and student organizing, taking courses related to human rights, learning about global injustices, and assisting in research. She continues to advocate for decolonization, freedom of migration, and a fair and just society.

Lillian Huffman is a senior at the University of Connecticut studying Political Science, with minors in Human Rights and Spanish. She is also the Vice President of UConn’s Climate and Mind Network, a member of Pi Sigma Alpha, and a La Comunidad Intelectual alum. On campus, she volunteers with adult English language learners through UConn's ELL club, and with local middle schoolers through KUBE. After graduating, she looks forward to a hands on career in international human rights, with a special focus on Latino communities and women. She hopes to pursue a graduate degree in human rights and further progressive development for future generations to come.

Matthew Shor (he/him) is a 2L at UConn Law studying International Human Rights Law. He is currently serving as the Vice President of the Human Rights Law Association and is a member of the Connecticut Journal of International Law.

Shannon O'Connor (she/her) is a double major in Political Science and Human Rights with a minor in Spanish. She is the Vice President of the National Alliance of Mental Illness, a member of Empowering Women in Law, and part of the Special Program in Law, and has also conducted research in the Anthropology Department on disease, profit, and the end of capitalism. Finally, she works as a stagehand at Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts and as a Student Archives Assistant in the Archives and Special Collections in the Dodd Center for Human Rights. Shannon hopes to attend law school and get to work on pressing human rights issues including but not limited to women's rights, mental health rights, and immigration rights.

Sophia Stanganelli is a senior studying Human Rights and Political Science. At UConn she is a member of Alpha Phi and Empowering Women in Law. She also works as a research assistant, and serves as an ambassador at the Global Training and Development Institute.

Emma Harvison

Emma (she/her) is a rising Senior in the Honors Program studying Human Rights & Political Science with minors in Spanish & Latin American Studies. Every day Emma strives to learn how to be a strong advocate, amplifying the voices of communities impacted by human rights abuses. On campus, she is actively involved in advocacy with She's The First, an organization that fights gender equality through education, and along with her peers, reintroducing a UConn Chapter of Amnesty International to campus. Following her time at UConn, she plans to attend law school to focus on human rights laws and continue to work on advancing human rights internationally.

This placement was made possible through the generous support of the Open Society Foundation Award.

Sophie Lemire

My name is Sophie (she/her). I am a rising senior in the honors program studying Economics and Human Rights with a minor in International Studies and Social Responsibility and Impact in Business. A large portion of my studies focus on corporate social responsibility and the intersection of business and human rights. I spent the 2022-2023 academic year studying at Amsterdam University College developing my work in an international framework. On-campus and off-campus I dedicate my time to activism and volunteering. After graduation, Sophie plans on attending law school and hopes to work in international law.

This placement was made possible through the generous support of the Eversource Chair.

Natalie Goncalves

My name is Natalie Goncalves and I am a rising senior studying human rights and sociology and minoring in philosophy. I am looking forward to attending law school and going into Immigration law.

This placement was made possible through the generous support of the Open Society Foundation Award.


Ashten Vassar

I have always been passionate about Human Rights, Disability justice, harm reduction, and community care. I am strongly committed to trauma-informed and decolonial praxis that serves the interest of the people. During my time at UConn, I have been involved with student organizing, student labor, restorative justice initiatives, research projects and health promotion. I am planning on pursuing graduate school after my senior year and hope to continue working in archival research and community health.

This placement was made possible through the generous support of the Open Society Foundation Award.

Alexandra Kapell

My name is Alexandra Kapell and I am a senior studying human rights and political science. I have always had a strong interest in human rights law and developed a passion for activism in school and community service projects. At UConn, I conduct research on gender-based violence, volunteer at the Women's Center, am a teacher's assistant, and work as a barista at the UConn cafes. In the future I plan to attend law school and hope to work with vulnerable communities of women who have survived domestic abuse.

This placement was made possible through the generous support of the Open Society Foundation Award.

Karissa Guaman

Karissa (she/her) is a rising senior studying Economics and Human Rights with a minor in Social Responsibility and Impact in Business. Through her education here at UCONN, she has fostered and grown her passion for social justice and service, specifically around labor and immigration rights. Karissa is currently involved with CT Students for a Dream advocating for the undocumented communities in Connecticut. Within Human Rights, her interests include immigrant rights as well as corporate social responsibility.

This placement was made possible through the generous support of the Open Society Foundation Award.

Eligibility & Award Details

The eligibility and award details vary for each dedicated placement. Please visit our Summer Internship Placements page for more information.

The ability to expand our support of these placements is due in part to funding from the Dr. Charles and Irma Jacobson Fund for Human Rights, the Eversource Energy Chair in Business Ethics, the Victor Schachter ’64 Rule of Law Award, the Thomas J. Dodd Center, and the Marsha Lilien Gladstein Fund for Education in Human Rights.

How to Apply

Apply via Microsoft Forms

The application requires the following materials:

  1. Personal Statement: In 750 words or less, tell the committee about: (1) your experience with the study and practice of human rights; (2) your main topics of interest in the human rights field; (3) why you have chosen to apply to the HRI Internship Fellow Program. Topics you may address include coursework, previous volunteer or employment experiences, extracurricular activities, personal experiences, or involvement in advocacy and activism efforts.
  2. Skills Statement: In 750 words or less, please tell the committee the specific skills, talents, experiences, and perspectives that make you well suited to interning at a human rights organization. Areas of reflection for this prompt could be: the values that guide your approach to advocacy, specialized skillsets that would help an organization advance its goals (i.e., data collection, research, intercultural communication, verbal and written language skills, managing social media campaigns, political organizing, canvassing, etc.), and personal experiences which give you unique insight into specific human rights issues.
  3. Unofficial Transcript: Please enclose an unofficial copy of your University of Connecticut academic transcript.
  4. Letter of Recommendation: Please have one letter of recommendation written on your behalf from an instructor or mentor who has known you for at least one year. Your recommender should submit your letter electronically via:
  5. Resume: Please attach a resume that includes current and previous employment including military experience, part‐time work, and summer or other temporary positions. Your resume should also list your involvement in extracurricular activities such as organizations, clubs, sports, and campaigns while attending UConn. It can also include your skills in relevant areas like foreign language fluency or technical skills like proficiency with Microsoft Office, SPSS, etc.

Applications will be reviewed by the Fellowship Committee. The Fellowship Committee will also conduct interviews with finalists. Once finalists have been selected, the candidate files will be sent to the internship placement sites for review and approval. The internship organization makes the final decision to extend an offer.

To maximize the likelihood of being selected as a Human Rights Internship Fellow, we recommend that all applicants schedule an appointment with the Center for Career Development to have their resumes and cover letters critiqued.

For questions or inquiries, please email Alyssa Webb at, or call (860) 486‐8739.

Application Deadline for 2025: February 14