The Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute is excited to share three funding opportunities. UConn faculty and staff focused on human rights may apply for research funding through three programs:

Seed Grant for Faculty Research
Our seed grant competition is meant to support and promote faculty research projects on human rights and to facilitate the writing of external grant proposals. We offer one award of $10,000 each academic year.
Small Grants for Faculty & Staff Research
Our research grant competition for the faculty and staff supports and promotes research projects on human rights related questions. Projects should make a significant contribution to ongoing scholarly and/or policy debates in the field of human rights.
InCHIP & HRI Pilot Studies in Health Justice
This opportunity represents a collaboration between InCHIP and the Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute. This opportunity will award two proposals for up to $10,000 each for pilot studies conducted by UConn Faculty in the areas of social justice, human rights, and health equity.