In recent years, there has been an exponential growth of interest in the study and practice of human rights.
The cultural discourse of human rights has become increasingly globalized and now serves as the basis for legal and normative frameworks and social relations in a variety of geographical, social, and cultural settings. In addition, new social organizations and forms of political action are grounded in the idea of human rights. Scholarship on key issues in human rights has also burgeoned and includes scholars from a wide range of perspectives and disciplines.The Journal of Human Rights serves as an arena for the public discussion and scholarly analysis of human rights, broadly conceived. It seeks to broaden the study of human rights by fostering the critical re-examination of existing approaches to human rights, as well as to develop new perspectives on the theory and practice of human rights. The journal provides the opportunity for the critical examination of the human rights community and of the different visions of human rights and different practical strategies which exist within that community. The editor welcomes papers from scholars and disciplines traditionally associated with the study of human rights, as well as papers from those in other disciplines or fields of inquiry which have traditionally been underrepresented in the field of human rights. The Journal of Human Rights is committed to theoretical and ideological diversity in the study of human rights.
The editor welcomes ideas for special issues, symposia, and reviews from scholars and practitioners of human rights.