Research Program on Economic & Social Rights

The Research Program on Economic and Social Rights brings more than a dozen UConn faculty together with over 30 affiliated scholars from across the United States and Canada. Together, we have generated numerous graduate and undergraduate courses, several edited volumes, multiple co-authored articles, and the National Science Foundation-funded Socio-Economic Rights Fulfillment Index (SERF Index).

A worker picks crops at Sienna Farm.

Economic & Social Rights Group (ESRG)

The centerpiece of our program is the ESRG, an interdisciplinary monthly gathering of faculty and graduate students who meet to share ongoing research and to discuss current scholarship around economic and social rights. In addition to monthly meetings, we produce the Economic Rights Working Paper Series, hold an annual thematically-oriented, one-day workshop with our affiliated members, and host an annual public lecture by a leading figure in the field. Past speakers include Philip Alston and Immanuel Wallerstein.

Economic Rights Working Paper Series

The purpose of the series is to foster and promote research in the re-emerging area of economic rights. The series aims to be the clearinghouse for research in economic rights. It will be continuously updated. Typically, working papers in the series represent work in progress on any topic of economic rights and from any field. Published articles may also be included as a convenient way for scholars to access up-to-date research in their area of interest. In all cases the copyrights for the papers included in the series remain with the author or, if previously published, with the author and/or publisher. Those interested in submitting papers to the series should contact Derek Johnson at


Access the Working Paper Series

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  • Apr
    Humanitarianism & Inequality
    1:00 PM

    In celebration of their recently published Handbook on Humanitarianism & Inequality, Silke Roth and Bandana Purkayastha will discuss how different varieties of humanitarianism have emerged in response to crises in a variety of historical contexts. They consider how varieties of humanitarianism are shaped by and address different forms of inequalities.

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If you are interested in receiving email announcements for our events, visit the ESRG listserv page to enroll. If this is the first time you have signed up for a UConn listserv, please select “Get Password” on the right side of the page and follow the steps to register your password. You can return to the same site in the future to change your email address or unsubscribe. Members of the list include graduate students, staff members, faculty members, and visitors to the Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute. The list is moderated by a faculty member in the program. To send e-mails to the listserv, simply send your email to To prevent SPAM, the system will ask you to confirm that you have submitted your email.

Our Community

The Economic & Social Rights Program has a rich history of cultivating scholars and practitioners whose work concerns issues of poverty, inequality, environmental justice, and other challenges at the heart of human wellbeing. Read more about how we've grown in UConn Today.


A partnership between Connecticut and Baden-Württemberg bears fruit in scholarship and engagement

Human Rights and Political Science professor builds ethical supply chains at UConn and beyond

‘UConn has established itself as one of the premier institutions in the country in the area of human rights and ethical sourcing’

UConn’s Human Rights Institute has steadily built a Program on Economic & Social Rights that influences global scholarly and policy work on issue of poverty, inequality, environmental justice, and other challenges at the heart of human wellbeing.

Our People


Shareen Hertel

Director, Research Program on Economic & Social Rights
Professor, Political Science & Human Rights

Affiliate Members

Meet Our Affiliates

Imge Akaslan
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
Business and Human Rights, Global Supply Chains

Catherine Albisa
Race Forward
Constitutional and Human Rights Law

Radhika Balakrishnan
Rutgers University
Gender; Development; Budgetary Analysis

Kristy A. Belton
Economic Rights

Salil Benegal
Union Collegee
Environmental Rights; Inequality

Lea Bishop
Indiana University McKinney School of Law
Right to Science and Culture

Catherine Buerger
Dangerous Speech Project
Human Rights Education; Activism

Benjamin Carbonetti
Trinity College
State Capacity; Repression

Christina Chiarelli-Helminiak
West Chester University
Burnout; Human Rights Education

Chad Clay
University of Georgia
Labor Rights; Human Rights Measurement

Allison Corkery
Center for Economic & Social Rights
Economic and Social Rights; Methodology


Diane F. Frey
San Francisco State University
International Labor Standards; Right to Decent Work; Union Rights

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
The New School
Human Rights Measurement; Global Financing

Carlos Garcia-Quijano
University of Rhode Island
Human Well-being; Human Ecology; Coastal Livelihoods

Michael Goodhart
University of Pittsburgh
Democracy; Globalization

Mark Gibney
University of North Carolina- Asheville
Extraterritorial Obligations

Madri Hall-Faul
University of Kentucky College of Social Work
Devolution, social welfare policy, cash assistance

Philip Harvey
Rutgers University
Right to Employment; Labor Rights

Patrick Heidkamp
Southern Connecticut State University
Economic Geography; Globalization

Richard Hiskes
Grand Valley State University
Economic Rights; Environmental Rights

Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann
Wilfrid Laurier University
Right to Food; Economic Rights


Chris Jeffords
Villanova University
Environmental Human Rights; Environmental Economics

Elizabeth Kaletski
Ithaca College
Economic Development; Labor Rights; Child Labor

Prakash Kashwan
Brandeis University
Environmental Policy; Global Climate Governance

Konstantinos (Kostas) Koutsioumpas
Independent Researcher
Right to Sport; Physical Activity and Play

Hilda Llorens
University of Rhode Island
Environmental justice; Afro-Caribbean Ecologies; Latinx Environmentalisms

Gillian MacNaughton
Social and Economic Rights Associates
Right to Health; Right to Decent Work

Brendan Mark
University of Rhode Island
Political Economy; Collective Dissent

Leslie Marshall
Director, SFPE Foundation
Corporate Social Responsibility

Ken Neubeck
UConn Emeritus
Economic Rights; Welfare Policies

Nishith Prakash 
Northeastern University
Development; Political Economy

Sanjay Reddy
The New School
Political Economy; Development

Ana María Sánchez Rodríguez
Maynooth University
Discrimination; International Development

Shawna Sweeney
Women’s Economic Rights; Measurement

Corinne Tagliarina
SUNY Morrisville
Right to Water, Laws and Policy

Rachel Wahl
University of Virginia Curry School of Education
Human Rights Education

Daniel J. Whelan
Hendrix College
History of Human Rights

Inga Winkler
Central European University, Department of Legal Studies
Global Justice; Right to Sanitation

Katharine G. Young
Boston College
Comparative Constitutional Law; Judicial Review

Christian Zimmermann
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Redistribution; Unemployment


Oksan Bayulgen

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Political Science
Associate Professor, Political Science

robert bird

Robert Bird

Professor, Business Law
Eversource Energy Chair in Business Ethics
Research Fellow, School of Law

Alex Branzell

Alex Branzell

Events & Communications Coordinator, Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute

Davis Chacon Hurtado

Davis Chacón Hurtado

Assistant Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering & Human Rights, Co-Director Engineering for Human Rights Initiative

Audrey Chapman

Professor, Public Health Sciences

Lynn Healy

Lynne Healey

Emeritus Professor, Social Work

Shareen Hertel

Wiktor Osiatyński Chair of Human Rights
Professor, Political Science & Human Rights

Blair Johnson

Blair Johnson

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Psychology

Derek Johnson

Senior Lecturer in Residence, Economics

molly land

Molly Land

Graduate Certificate Coordinator, School of Law
Catherine Roraback Professor of Law
Professor, Human Rights

Erica Laplante

Erica Laplante

Director, Human Rights Research and Data Hub and Postdoctoral Research Associate, Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute

Kathryn Libal

Kathryn Libal

Director, Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute
Professor, Social Work & Human Rights

Catherine Masud

Catherine Masud

Assistant Professor In-Residence, Human Rights Documentary Filmmaking

Alanson Minkler

Emeritus Professor, Economics

Gaurav Mukherjee

Visiting Assistant Professor of Law and Stuart F. Smith Teaching Fellow

Desen Özkan

Assistant Professor Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Stephen Park

Co-Director, Business and Human Rights Initiative
Associate Professor, Business Law

Susan Randolph

Susan Randolph

Emerita Professor, Economics

Michael Rubin

Michael Rubin

Assistant Professor, Political Science & Human Rights

Cory Runstedler

Graduate Assistant

Lyle Scruggs

Professor, Political Science

Alyssa Webb

Educational Program Administrator, Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute