Minor in Human Rights

Our interdisciplinary program in human rights is committed to the integration of human rights theory and practice. Our student’s academic development is honed by exposure to diverse, cutting-edge research in the classroom and broadened through experiential learning opportunities in the community. Our joint focus on academic study and practical applications of human rights produces competitive scholars with advanced critical-thinking and problem-solving skills that are an invaluable asset to future endeavors.

Minor Declaration Portal

Minor Requirements

15 credit hours are required for a human rights minor. Please review our course offerings to select courses based on the following requirements:

  • 6 credits of core courses must be taken. Students must take:
    1. 3 credits from Institutions and Laws or History, Philosophy, and Theory
    2. 3 credits from Applications and Methods
  • 6 credits must be taken from our list of elective courses. You may take additional core courses to fulfill the elective requirement.
  • 3 credits must be taken to fulfill the capstone requirement of a service learning/internship experience by enrolling in HRTS 4291. Read below for details.<

Looking for a snapshot of our requirements and course offerings by catalog year? Visit our Undergraduate page to download and print a PDF.

Capstone Internship

Experiential learning opportunities are the cornerstone of our academic program. Internships prepare students to be competitive in their chosen fields, positively contribute to the evolving culture of human rights, and expose students to:

  • Diverse applications of rights discourse
  • Varied perspectives on the function and utility of the human rights enterprise
  • Realities of pursuing a career in the human rights field

Visit our Internships page to learn more about requirements and how to find an internship.